Wednesday, 27 November 2019


We run this application with the command: We select the most representative snapshots for the sake of time. Unfortunately at this point some of the generated textures may seen patched, this is based on how the RGB camera in the Kinect adapts to light. The shifting can be triggered by rotation or translation. Cookiefreak Cookiefreak 58 2 2 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. In other words, if the only thing you have is a wall and floor, most probably the tracking will not perform well. Second, that additional operations are taking place in the frame processing loop as a result of the large scale implementation. pcl kinfu large scale

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The next part of this tutorial will demonstrate how to generate the texture for the mesh we have just created. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. The viewer below displays a sample of the output obtained after the entire pipeline. At the time of data extraction, the grid is traversed from front to back, and the TSDF values are checked for each voxel.

In order to run the texturing application, we use the following command: I fixed the problem, but I figured I'd respond to this: I posted the reason for the memory leak below. In charge of obtaining the scan of the room.

Related Executables There are three executables related to this tutorial: The default voxel size is per axis. This made me find out that when the KinfuLSApp destructor gets called, the memory used in the gpu does not get freed.

pcl kinfu large scale

Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you pfl your coworkers to find and share information. Since we used the -et option, you will also find a folder called KinFuSnapshots, which contains all the RGB images and its corresponding poses for this scan. The TSDF value is the distance to the nearest isosurface. Further information on these properties can be found in the relevant papers.

pcl kinfu large scale

Second, that additional operations are taking place in the frame processing loop as a result of the large scale implementation.

Email Required, but never shown. This section describes how to generate the textures for the mesh we created in the previous step. Furthermore, notice how a complex object e.

I'm using the KinfuLSApp repeatedly in a while loop to convert series llarge pcd's which present 1 frame each into a world pcd. The X,Y,Z coordinates for each of the extracted points correspond to the voxel indices with respect to the world model.

For this purpose we will use the meshing application in KinFu Large Scale. The generated PLY mesh must be in the same folder as the snapshots and camera poses. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: The video below shows the process of scanning a large area. This can be observed when we zoom in the point cloud.

pcl kinfu large scale

The decrease in frame rate is mainly because of two things. After building the git master, we will call the application:. Each snapshot must have its corresponding camera pose in a text file in the same folder. Notice the smooth movements at the time of scanning.

At the time of extraction, we avoid extracting the voxels with a value of 1, since they represent empty space, and are therefore of no use to our model. In this tutorial we have shown the pipeline from scanning to final texturing using KinFu Pvl Scale.

c++ - Kinfu LargeScale App PCL does not free GPU memory - Stack Overflow

This is where I'm stuck. We avoid extracting voxels with a value of 1 because they represent empty space. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. You may be wondering:

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