Sunday, 24 November 2019


For instance, put a header right underneath the shortcode with matching text if you want that section of your content to have a header that matches the contents menu label. All of the rest of the directories are created in this same fashion, just with different options selected in the Directory Options panel. First, select the entire button shortcode in your content editor and copy it. You can view all of the resulting markup on the live demo shortcodes page without having to import the demo content if you need it for reference. The icons and names of the awards and badges are custom assigned by you and there are no pre-packaged awards or badges unless you import the demo content. This theme is built using Bootstrap and is a fluid, responsive layout with a max content width of px. There is an unminified human-readable version in the same folder called plugins. techwise theme

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Forthwith, the site visitors can access any part of the website at any time. All of the custom sidebars you have created in your theme options will appear in this list. Add all of the possible rating criteria you will ever want to use on any of your posts here and then you can selectively add them to each post. Some icons are used in the demo but not embedded within the theme files. First, select Buttons from the list of shortcodes in the shortcode generator.

TechWise Blogger Template

This will create a contents menu that displays on your posts that lets the user navigate around the various sections of it. However some prefer directly installing in WordPress for convenience. Yes, there are a few places where hard-coded links are purposefully present, including the credits link in the footer to Google Fonts and the demo panel link to the theme features.

Now you can add widgets to the sidebar just like any other existing pre-build thdme, as shown in the following screenshot:. If you offset the ads, the first add will not display until after x number of rows of posts have been displayed, and then after that it will display an ad after x number of incremented rows.

Listed below are attribution links to each of these icons:.

Buy Now Premium Version. We have added a special widget so that you can insert any advertisement directly into page from the layout. The first step is to adjust the display behavior of the contents menu within posts. techwlse

Techwise – Tech Magazine WordPress Theme

We have already shown how to use a few of the page builders above in the front page section, so now we will discuss the other available page builders within the theme. We also run W3 Total Cache on our demo only page and browser caching, not database or object caching to make it as fast as possible, but this is not a requirement as the theme is very fast even without it.

That reaction will no longer be available in the list of techwlse reactions for just that post.

techwise theme

The utility menu is used by the page builder of the same name and can be put anywhere in your site. The page builder mechanism accesses the page builder options from an array set in the theme options and then loops through and displays them on the page in the desired order. The Gear category is now setup just like the live demo.

Support – Techwise

A good example of this is the header. But what if you want to have a one-off page with a custom layout?

techwise theme

If you run into any issues it is possible that a plugin or internal component is causing issues, and sometimes max upload filesize limits imposed by web hosts can techwisr wreak havoc on larger themes. Add whatever you want for your details fields.

Besides, fechwise theme is also detailed with the pagination feature to properly organize multiple pages on your website. They offer everything from themes to plugins and scripts. Further questions that come up after the theme has been published will be added to the FAQs. This will cause each of the page builder shortcodes to be contained in their own wrapper instead of all together in the same wrapper.

techwise theme

WooCommerce does not require you to do this. Within these files there are several layouts that techwuse hidden using layers. They are similar to criteria in that they only display on the post if you have entered content i. If you already have articles with featured images in your WordPress site before you install the theme, you will need to resize your featured images to fit the dimensions of all the thumbnail areas. You can of course create a fourth menu specifically for the Utility Hechwise, but we chose to re-use the main menu in both spots for the sake of simplicity.

Homepage Layouts The technology blog WordPress theme comes with different homepage teechwise like standard, classic, billboard, and long form.

Sora Bogging Tips 22 February at

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